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Renowned Speakers

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Douglas UHLIG

Psychologist, PhD, MBA, CASAC USA

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Victoria Feldman

Head of Learning and Development, Amazon Confidential USA

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Juliet Roudini

Berlin Institute of Health Charité Germany

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Sara Albuquerque

Universidade Lusófona Portugal

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Maria Leonor Almeida

Catholic University of Portugal Portugal

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Isabel Santos

Universidade Lusófona Portugal

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Yancy SHI

The Education University of Hong Kong Hong Kong

Psychology conferences, positive psychology conferences, Europe conferences, positive psychology 2025, mindfulness conferences, wellbeing conferences, Annual psychology summits, positive psychology Events, Psychiatry conferences, mental health congress,  positive psychology Europe. psychology of the day

Yo Hyeong Kim

Shanghai American School China China

Positive Psychology 2025

Welcome Message

Welcome to the 38th World Summit on Positive Psychology, Happiness, Mindfulness, and Wellness! Join us on April 23-24, 2025, in the captivating city of Paris, France, for an extraordinary exchange of ideas with prominent experts from around the globe.

We've meticulously organized this summit to encompass keynote speeches, oral presentations, workshops, poster presentations, panel discussions, exhibitions, Young Researcher Forums (YRF), B2B meetings, audio-video presentations, virtual sessions, and prestigious awards including the Best Poster Award, Best Speaker Award, and Best Abstract Award.

Theme: Fostering happiness, resilience, and mindfulness for holistic wellness in a global context

Our mission is to further advance positive psychology, happiness, mindfulness, and wellness, exploring avenues such as positive education, personal strengths, interventions, holistic health, satisfaction, mindfulness, resilience, spirituality, motivation, mental health, and quality of life.

This summit serves as a vibrant platform for academicians, researchers, psychologists, therapists, coaches, counselors, yoga and meditation experts, social workers, leaders, students, practitioners, and enthusiasts to engage, learn, network, and embrace the science and applications of wellbeing.

We invite you to join us and become part of this enriching experience. Be prepared to be involved, inspired, and empowered!

Target Audience

  • Researchers and scholars in psychology, social sciences, and related fields
  • Mental health professionals, therapists, counselors, and coaches
  • Educators, school administrators, and policymakers
  • Human resources professionals and organizational leaders
  • Wellness coaches, fitness instructors, and lifestyle educators
  • Advocates for social change and community well-being
  • Students and early-career professionals interested in positive psychology and well-being

The summit offers a platform for sharing knowledge, networking, and collaboration to advance the science and practice of positive psychology and well-being promotion on a global scale. It aims to inspire attendees to apply evidence-based strategies for fostering happiness, mindfulness, and wellness in their personal lives, professional endeavors, and communities.

Sessions & Tracks

Positive psychology and the PERMA model

Positive psychology, spearheaded by Martin Seligman, focuses on the study of human flourishing and wellbeing. At its core is the PERMA model, which identifies five essential elements for leading a fulfilling life. "PERMA" stands for Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment. Positive Emotions encompass feelings like joy, gratitude, and hope, which contribute to overall happiness. Engagement refers to being fully absorbed and immersed in activities, leading to a state of "flow." Relationships emphasize the importance of social connections and supportive networks in enhancing wellbeing. Meaning involves having a sense of purpose and understanding one's values and beliefs. Accomplishment relates to setting and achieving goals, which fosters a sense of competence and mastery. By nurturing these elements in our lives, the PERMA model suggests that we can cultivate greater happiness, resilience, and overall wellbeing.

Emotional well-being and quality of life

Emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of one's quality of life, encompassing feelings of contentment, happiness, and fulfillment. It's about experiencing positive emotions while effectively coping with life's challenges. When emotional well-being is high, individuals tend to have better relationships, higher productivity, and greater resilience in the face of adversity. Quality of life, on the other hand, is a broader concept, including not just emotional well-being but also physical health, social relationships, environment, and personal fulfillment. A high quality of life implies satisfaction and overall well-being across various domains. Emotional well-being significantly contributes to overall quality of life, as it influences how individuals perceive and interact with the world around them. Cultivating emotional resilience, practicing mindfulness, maintaining healthy relationships, and pursuing activities that bring joy are essential for nurturing emotional well-being and enhancing overall quality of life.

Positive Psychology Interventions and Initiatives

Positive psychology interventions and initiatives aim to enhance well-being and foster positive mental health by focusing on strengths, virtues, and factors that contribute to a fulfilling life. These interventions include:

  • Gratitude practices: Encouraging individuals to regularly express appreciation for the positive aspects of their lives, fostering a sense of abundance and contentment.
  • Mindfulness meditation: Teaching mindfulness techniques to cultivate present-moment awareness, reduce stress, and enhance overall psychological well-being.
  • Character strengths assessments: Helping individuals identify their unique character strengths and encouraging them to leverage these strengths in their daily lives to promote personal growth and fulfillment.
  • Acts of kindness: Encouraging altruistic behaviors and promoting a sense of connection and belonging within communities.
  • Positive self-talk and reframing: Teaching individuals to challenge negative thought patterns and cultivate a more optimistic outlook on life.
  • Meaning and purpose exploration: Facilitating reflection on personal values, goals, and sources of meaning to foster a sense of purpose and direction in life.
  • Positive relationships building: Promoting the development of supportive social networks and nurturing meaningful connections with others.

These interventions and initiatives have been shown to have a positive impact on psychological well-being, resilience, and overall quality of life. They can be implemented in various settings, including schools, workplaces, and clinical settings, to promote mental health and flourishing in individuals and communities.

Positive Education, Learning and Coaching

Positive education, learning, and coaching integrate principles of positive psychology into educational and coaching practices to foster holistic development and well-being. In positive education, schools emphasize not only academic achievement but also the cultivation of character strengths, emotional intelligence, resilience, and positive relationships. This approach aims to equip students with the skills and mindset needed to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Positive learning strategies incorporate techniques such as mindfulness, gratitude exercises, and strengths-based approaches to enhance student engagement, motivation, and overall well-being. Similarly, positive coaching applies principles of positive psychology to help individuals set meaningful goals, overcome obstacles, and maximize their potential. Coaches focus on strengths, optimism, and empowerment to facilitate personal and professional growth.

By integrating positive psychology into education and coaching, individuals are better equipped to develop the skills, attitudes, and habits necessary for success, fulfillment, and resilience in all aspects of life.

Bliss and Well being

Bliss and well-being are integral to a fulfilling life, intertwining emotional, physical, and mental health. Bliss is a profound sense of joy and contentment, often arising from moments of deep connection, accomplishment, or peace. It transcends temporary happiness, providing a sustained, deep-rooted sense of fulfillment. Well-being encompasses the broader spectrum of health, including physical fitness, mental stability, emotional resilience, and social connections. Achieving well-being involves nurturing the body through nutrition and exercise, the mind through mindfulness and learning, and the spirit through meaningful relationships and purpose. Together, bliss and well-being create a balanced, vibrant life, fostering resilience against stress and adversity. Embracing practices like meditation, gratitude, and self-care can enhance both, leading to a harmonious existence where one thrives rather than merely survives. In essence, bliss and well-being are not just goals but ongoing journeys towards a more enriched, balanced, and joyful life.

Care and Compassion

Care and compassion are fundamental qualities that enrich human connections and foster a more empathetic society. Care involves attentiveness and the willingness to help others, ensuring their physical, emotional, and psychological needs are met. It’s an expression of love and concern, manifesting in actions that support and nurture those around us. Compassion goes a step further, encompassing a deep understanding and empathy for the suffering of others, coupled with the desire to alleviate it. It requires putting oneself in another’s shoes, recognizing their pain, and responding with kindness and support.

Together, care and compassion build stronger, more resilient communities. They encourage a culture where people feel valued and understood, promoting mental well-being and social harmony. In personal relationships, they deepen bonds and foster trust, creating a foundation for mutual respect and support. Cultivating care and compassion in everyday interactions can lead to a more compassionate world, where everyone is uplifted and empowered.

Eudaimonia and Wellness

Eudaimonia, an ancient Greek concept often translated as "flourishing" or "the good life," is central to understanding well-being. Unlike fleeting happiness, eudaimonia emphasizes living in accordance with one's true self and values, achieving a sense of purpose and fulfillment. It involves engaging in activities that are meaningful and contribute to personal growth and the greater good.

Well-being, in this context, transcends mere pleasure or comfort, encompassing a holistic balance of physical health, mental clarity, emotional stability, and social harmony. Eudaimonia is achieved through virtues like wisdom, courage, and compassion, which guide individuals to lead lives of integrity and purpose.

Integrating eudaimonia into one's conception of well-being encourages a focus on long-term fulfillment rather than short-term gratification. It promotes a life where personal and communal growth are intertwined, leading to a deeper, more resilient form of happiness that is sustainable and enriching for both the individual and society.

Theory, Religion and Language

Theory, religion, and language are interconnected facets that shape human understanding and cultural development. Theory provides a structured framework for analyzing and interpreting various phenomena, guiding research and knowledge across disciplines. It offers explanations and predictions that help us make sense of the world.

Religion, on the other hand, encompasses beliefs, practices, and moral codes that connect individuals to the divine or sacred. It offers existential answers, ethical guidance, and a sense of community and belonging. Religion shapes cultures and influences personal and collective worldviews, often intertwining with moral and philosophical theories.

Language is the medium through which theory and religion are expressed and communicated. It shapes thought, conveys meaning, and facilitates shared understanding. Language evolves with culture, carrying religious doctrines, theoretical concepts, and cultural narratives across generations.

Together, theory, religion, and language form a triad that deeply influences human experience, knowledge, and societal development, intertwining to shape our perception of reality and our place within it.

Humanities and Social Sciences

Humanities and social sciences explore the human experience and society. Humanities, including disciplines like literature, philosophy, and history, delve into human culture, values, and expression. They analyze artistic and intellectual achievements, fostering critical thinking and cultural awareness.

Social sciences, such as sociology, psychology, and political science, study human behavior and societal structures. They employ scientific methods to understand social dynamics, institutions, and relationships.

Together, these fields provide a comprehensive understanding of humanity, blending analytical and interpretative approaches. They enrich our knowledge of past and present societies, guiding us toward a more informed and empathetic future.

Yoga, meditation and spirituality

Yoga, meditation, and spirituality are interconnected practices that promote holistic well-being. Yoga, an ancient physical and mental discipline, combines postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to enhance physical health and mental clarity. Meditation involves focused attention and mindfulness, reducing stress and fostering inner peace. Spirituality, the pursuit of deeper meaning and connection beyond the material world, often incorporates both yoga and meditation. Together, they cultivate a balanced life, encouraging self-awareness, inner tranquility, and a sense of unity with the universe. These practices support personal growth, emotional resilience, and a profound sense of fulfillment and purpose.

Buddhism, Wisdom, and Self-Greatness

Buddhism, wisdom, and self-greatness are deeply interconnected concepts. Buddhism, a spiritual tradition, emphasizes the pursuit of enlightenment through ethical living, meditation, and wisdom. Wisdom in Buddhism is the understanding of the true nature of reality, including the impermanence and interconnectedness of all things. This insight fosters compassion and reduces suffering.

Self-greatness in Buddhism is not about ego or external success but about realizing one's true potential through inner growth and self-mastery. It involves cultivating virtues like compassion, mindfulness, and ethical conduct, leading to a harmonious and fulfilling life. Together, these principles guide individuals toward profound personal and spiritual development.

Authority and Motivation

Authority and motivation are key factors in leadership and personal development. Authority refers to the legitimate power to influence or command others, often derived from a position or expertise. Effective authority fosters respect and adherence, guiding teams or individuals toward common goals. Motivation, the internal drive that propels individuals to act, can be intrinsic (driven by personal satisfaction) or extrinsic (driven by external rewards). Leaders who wield authority wisely can inspire motivation by creating a supportive environment, setting clear goals, and recognizing achievements. When authority and motivation align, they enhance productivity, foster engagement, and drive success in both personal and organizational contexts.

Brain science and Resilience

Brain science and resilience are closely linked, shedding light on how individuals cope with stress and adversity. Brain science explores the neural mechanisms underlying behavior, emotions, and cognition. Resilience, the ability to adapt and recover from challenges, is influenced by brain function and structure. Key brain areas like the prefrontal cortex and amygdala play crucial roles in stress response and emotional regulation. Neuroplasticity, the brain's capacity to reorganize and form new connections, supports resilience by enabling learning and adaptation. Understanding these processes helps develop strategies to enhance resilience, such as mindfulness, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and supportive social interactions.

Business venture and Organization Development

A business venture and organization development are essential for entrepreneurial success and long-term growth. A business venture involves initiating and managing a new enterprise, driven by innovation and the pursuit of market opportunities. Organization development focuses on improving a company's effectiveness and capacity through strategic planning, change management, and employee development. It aims to enhance overall performance by fostering a positive work culture, optimizing processes, and building leadership capabilities. Combining a visionary business venture with robust organization development practices ensures sustainable growth, competitive advantage, and adaptability in a dynamic market, ultimately leading to the enterprise's success and longevity.

Modern and Organizational

Modern organizational psychology explores the interplay between individuals and their work environments, aiming to optimize organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. It applies psychological principles to address issues such as leadership, teamwork, motivation, and workplace culture. By understanding human behavior and cognition in the context of organizations, modern organizational psychology helps improve job satisfaction, productivity, and retention. It also informs strategies for talent management, conflict resolution, and organizational change. Through evidence-based practices and research, modern organizational psychology contributes to creating healthier, more supportive work environments that foster employee engagement, innovation, and organizational success in today's dynamic business landscape.

Emotional well-being and quality of life

Emotional well-being and quality of life are intertwined aspects of overall wellness. Emotional well-being refers to the ability to understand and manage emotions effectively, leading to a sense of contentment, resilience, and fulfillment. It encompasses factors such as self-awareness, coping skills, and interpersonal relationships. Quality of life encompasses broader dimensions, including physical health, social relationships, and environmental factors. Emotional well-being significantly contributes to an individual's perceived quality of life, influencing their satisfaction and enjoyment of daily experiences. Cultivating emotional resilience and fostering supportive relationships are essential for enhancing both emotional well-being and overall quality of life.

Psychiatry and Psychiatric Disorders

Psychiatry is the medical specialty focused on diagnosing, treating, and preventing psychiatric disorders, which are conditions that affect mood, behavior, and cognition. Psychiatric disorders encompass a wide range of conditions, including depression, anxiety disorders, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and substance use disorders. Psychiatrists employ various interventions, including medication, psychotherapy, and lifestyle modifications, to help individuals manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Understanding the biological, psychological, and social factors underlying psychiatric disorders is crucial for effective treatment and support. Through research, education, and compassionate care, psychiatry aims to alleviate suffering and promote mental health and well-being.

Stress, Anxiety, and Depression

Stress, anxiety, and depression are common mental health challenges affecting millions worldwide. Stress arises from various life pressures, while anxiety involves excessive worry and fear, and depression entails persistent sadness and loss of interest. These conditions often coexist and can significantly impact daily functioning and well-being. Effective management involves a combination of therapy, medication, and lifestyle changes, focusing on reducing symptoms, improving coping skills, and fostering resilience.

Psychotherapy and Counseling Psychology

Psychotherapy and counseling psychology are therapeutic approaches aimed at addressing mental health concerns and promoting personal growth. Psychotherapy involves a collaborative process between a therapist and client, exploring thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to facilitate positive change. Counseling psychology focuses on enhancing well-being, resolving conflicts, and improving interpersonal relationships through talk therapy, cognitive-behavioral techniques, and other evidence-based interventions. Both disciplines emphasize empathy, understanding, and empowerment to support individuals in overcoming challenges and achieving their goals.

Driving Health and Harassment

Driving health refers to the physical and mental well-being of drivers, crucial for road safety. Factors like fatigue, stress, and substance use can impair driving performance, increasing the risk of accidents. Addressing driving-related health issues requires education, enforcement of traffic laws, and promoting healthy habits among drivers. Harassment on the road, including road rage and aggressive driving behaviors, poses additional threats to safety. Strategies to combat harassment involve promoting respect, patience, and conflict resolution skills among drivers to create safer road environments for all.

Psychology, Autism, and Youth Protection

Psychology plays a vital role in understanding and supporting individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and ensuring their protection, particularly in youth populations. Autism is a developmental disorder characterized by challenges in social communication and repetitive behaviors. Psychological interventions, such as applied behavior analysis and social skills training, help individuals with ASD thrive and integrate into society. Additionally, safeguarding measures, including early detection, specialized education, and supportive services, are essential for promoting the well-being and safety of youth with autism.

Sexual Orientation and LGBT

Sexual orientation refers to an individual's romantic or sexual attraction to others, with LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) representing diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. Understanding and respecting sexual orientation are fundamental to promoting equality and combating discrimination. LGBT individuals may face stigma, prejudice, and legal challenges, impacting their mental health and well-being. Advocacy efforts, inclusive policies, and community support play crucial roles in fostering acceptance, protecting rights, and enhancing the overall health and happiness of LGBT individuals.

Dependence, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse, and Recovery

Dependence, alcoholism, and drug abuse are complex disorders characterized by compulsive substance use despite harmful consequences. They can lead to physical, psychological, and social impairments, affecting individuals, families, and communities. Treatment approaches encompass detoxification, therapy, support groups, and medication-assisted treatments, aiming to address addiction's underlying factors and promote recovery. Recovery involves overcoming barriers, developing coping strategies, and rebuilding a fulfilling life free from substance dependence, emphasizing long-term wellness and resilience.

Mental Nursing and Nursing Education

Mental nursing, also known as psychiatric nursing, focuses on caring for individuals experiencing mental health challenges. Mental health nurses provide compassionate care, support, and advocacy for patients in various settings, including hospitals, clinics, and community facilities. Nursing education in mental health equips students with knowledge of psychiatric disorders, therapeutic interventions, and ethical considerations. It emphasizes holistic care, communication skills, and cultural competence to prepare nurses for effectively addressing the complex needs of individuals with mental illness and promoting their recovery and well-being.

Market Analysis

The Positive Psychology, Happiness, Mindfulness, and Wellness market has seen significant growth over the past decade, driven by an increasing awareness of mental health and well-being. Positive psychology, a field that focuses on strengths, virtues, and factors that contribute to a fulfilling life, has gained prominence in both academic and practical applications. Its principles are now widely applied in various sectors, including education, corporate settings, and therapy.

The market for happiness and wellness products and services has expanded rapidly. This includes self-help books, wellness retreats, online courses, and mobile apps designed to enhance happiness &well-being. The global wellness market, valued at over $4.5 trillion in 2019, is expected to continue growing, driven by the demand for preventive health care, fitness, nutrition, and mental well-being products.

Mindfulness, a practice rooted in ancient meditation traditions, has become a mainstream component of the wellness market. It involves paying attention to the present moment without judgment and has been shown to reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance emotional regulation. Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) programs and mindfulness apps have become popular tools for individuals seeking to manage stress and improve overall mental health.

Corporations are increasingly incorporating mindfulness and wellness programs into their employee benefit offerings, recognizing the link between employee well-being and productivity. These programs often include mindfulness training, resilience-building workshops, and access to wellness apps. The corporate wellness market is projected to grow as employers prioritize mental health to reduce burnout and increase employee engagement.

The happiness and wellness market is also influenced by the growing body of research in positive psychology, which provides evidence-based practices for enhancing well-being. Interventions such as gratitude exercises, positive journaling, and strengths-based coaching are being integrated into various therapeutic and self-help formats.

In summary, the Positive Psychology, Happiness, Mindfulness, and Wellness market is a rapidly growing sector with diverse applications and a strong foundation in research. As awareness of mental health continues to rise, the demand for products and services that enhance well-being is likely to increase, driving further innovation and growth in this market.

Here's a graph showing the growth of the Positive Psychology, Happiness, Mindfulness, and Wellness market from 2019 to 2024. The market is projected to increase steadily, reaching an estimated value of $6.7 trillion by 2024. This growth is driven by rising awareness and demand for mental health and wellness products and services.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 23-24, 2025

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Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience

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  • Authority And Motivation
  • Brain Science And Resilience
  • Buddhism, Wisdom, And Self-Greatness
  • Business And Organization Development
  • Care And Compassion
  • Character Strengths And Virtues
  • Cultural Variations In Happiness
  • Dependence, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse And Recovery
  • Driving Health And Harassment
  • Economic And Societal Factors
  • Emotional Well-being And Quality Of Life
  • Emotional Well-being And Quality Of Life
  • Emotional Wellness And Self-care
  • Environmental Wellness
  • Eudaimonia And Well-being
  • Flourishing And Thriving
  • Genetics,intentional Activities Influence Happiness
  • Gratitude And Appreciation
  • Happiness And Well-being
  • Happiness In Education And Workplaces
  • Happiness Interventions
  • Hedonic And Eudaimonic Perspectives
  • Holistic Approaches To Wellness
  • Humanities And Social Sciences
  • Integrative Medicine And Wellness
  • Meaning And Purpose
  • Mental Nursing And Nursing Education
  • Mindfulness And Cognitive Functioning
  • Mindfulness And Compassion
  • Mindfulness And Emotional Regulation
  • Mindfulness And Resilience
  • Mindfulness And Stress Reduction
  • Mindfulness In Clinical Psychology
  • Mindfulness In Education And Schools
  • Mindfulness In Healthcare Settings
  • Mindfulness-Based Interventions
  • Modern And Organizational Psychology
  • Occupational Wellness
  • Physical Wellness (Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep)
  • Positive Education, Learning And Coaching
  • Positive Emotions And Well-being
  • Positive Psychology And The PERMA Model
  • Positive Psychology Interventions And Initiatives
  • Positive Relationships
  • Psychiatry And Psychiatric Disorders
  • Psychology, Autism And Youth Protection
  • Psychotherapy And Counseling Psychology
  • Pursuit Of Happiness And Life Satisfaction
  • Quality Of Life Measures
  • Resilience And Post-Traumatic Growth
  • Sexual Orientation And LGBT
  • Social Wellness And Relationships
  • Spiritual Wellness And Meaning-making
  • Strengths And Virtues
  • Stress, Anxiety And Depression
  • Subjective Well-being
  • Theory, Religion And Language
  • Well-being Economics
  • Wellness And Aging
  • Yoga, Meditation And Spirituality