Silvia da Costa
University of Basque Country, Spain
Silvia da Costa has her expertise in Social Psychology and Behavioral Science. Specifically it is dedicate to creativity and innovation in open complex social systems such as organizations. Her lines of research are creativity and innovation in organizations, including the role of positive emotional climate, wellbeing, emotional intelligence, self and hetero emotional regulation, as well as beliefs, values and emotions of self-transcendence, like spirituality elevation at work. High positive affect and emotions, like gratitude, are related to creativity that is an antecedent of reappraisal or positive cognitive restructuring. Creativity is also a facet of individual and communal adaptive coping and resilience that helps to build individual and social wellbeing. Finally, he is also interested on cultural determinant of both creativity and wellbeing, having examined the role of macro-cultural dimensions like collectivism, power distance and uncertainty avoidance on societal creativity and innovation