Call for Abstract

36th World Summit on Positive Psychology, Happiness, Mindfulness, and Wellness, will be organized around the theme “Emphasizing positive human development research could help us achieve greater success and understanding in other areas”

Positive Psychology 2023 is comprised of 27 tracks and 0 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Positive Psychology 2023.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Business venture is associated with establishing an organisation, organising effort, and capitalising on opportunities (with the periods of development, acknowledgment, assessment, and double-dealing of chances). Pioneering action predicts the creation of abundance across countries. Entrepreneurs form new associations and establish their hierarchical environment and culture. Pioneering success (fruitful start-up, endurance, and firm development) is dependent on the proprietors and may be a more valuable (and more level-headed) execution result variable than the primary evaluations commonly used in mechanical/authoritarian brain science. In this way, modern/authoritarian brain science should be able to conduct more business research.

A business venture mental model considers distal factors such as relational factors, intellectual capacity, school instruction, and experience, as well as proximal factors such as insights (e.g., opportunity discernment), intentions (such as innovative dreams and interests), and activity methodologies (e.g., proactive versus receptive systems). These elements should have an impact on pioneering achievement in conjunction with situational and natural conditions (like industry, trouble of working together in a climate, and culture).

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is defined as the ability to recognise, regulate, and comprehend emotions in oneself and others. A high level of emotional intelligence allows you to:

  • Get in touch with others
  • Make empathy connections.
  • Effective communication is essential.
  • Manage conflict
  • Feelings should be expressed
  • Enhance your general mental health

Emotional intelligence appears to be a personality trait—something you either have or don't have. However, emotional intelligence, like intelligence quotient (IQ), can be developed over time.

9 ways to improve your emotional intelligence at work

  • Develop self-awareness
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Hone your empathy
  • active listening
  • Practice adaptability
  • Build your social skills
  • Welcome feedback
  • Learn about conflict resolution
  • When in doubt, reflect

The early 20th century was when industrial and organisational psychology first emerged. James Cattell (1860-1944), Hugo Münsterberg (1863-1916), Walter Dill Scott (1869-1955), Robert Yerkes (1876-1956), Walter Bingham (1880-1952), and Lillian Gilbreth were among the notable early psychologists who investigated topics that are now designated as industrial psychology (1878–1972).

The founder of experimental psychology, Wilhelm Wundt, had taught Cattell, Münsterberg, and Scott. Before World War I, some of these researchers were engaged in industrial psychology research. The Psychological Corporation, which Cattell founded and is still in business today, and the achievements of Columbia University students in the field of industrial psychology are two examples of how Cattell contributed to the field of industrial psychology. Münsterberg wrote Psychology and Industrial Efficiency in 1913, which included chapters on hiring, training, and advertising strategies.

Recent studies with children and adolescents show promise for results that are similar to those seen with adults when practising mindfulness, which is defined as paying attention in the present moment with intention and purpose. In addition, research on the processes through which mindfulness has beneficial effects is still in its infancy and does not include studies involving teens. This study looked at self compassion as a potential mediator in the association between mindfulness and aspects of emotional wellness. Self compassion is defined by the three elements of self-kindness, feeling a part of humanity, and preserving perspective in trying situations.

Mental nursing, also known as emotional well-being nursing, is the delegated position of an attendant who has some experience in psychological wellness and focuses on people of all ages who are experiencing dysfunctional behaviours or pain. These include schizophrenia, schizoaffective confusion, mental health issues, uneasiness, behavioural conditions, dietary issues, self-destructive thoughts, psychosis, neurosis, and self-harm.

Attendees in this space receive explicit training in mental treatments, building a helpful coalition, managing testing conduct, and mental prescription organisation.

Nursing education refers to formal learning and preparation for the study of nursing. This recalls the capacities and obligations for the actual consideration of patients, as well as a combination of various disciplines that both accelerates and maintains the patient's re-visitation of wellbeing.

Dependence is the mental and physical inability to stop using a synthetic, medication, movement, or substance despite the fact that it is causing mental and physical harm.

Liquor addiction, also known as liquor use disorder (AUD), is a broad term for any drinking of liquor that results in mental or physical health problems. In a clinical setting, liquor abuse is defined as the presence of at least two of the following conditions: an individual drinks a lot of liquor over a long period of time, has difficulty cutting down, getting and drinking liquor takes up a lot of time, liquor is firmly desired, utilisation results in not satisfying liabilities, use causes friendly issues, use causes medical issues, use causes unsafe circumstances, withdrawal occurs.

Exploration into the study of enslavement and the treatment of substance use issues has resulted in the development of research-based strategies that help individuals stop using medications and resume useful lives, also known as being in recuperation.

LGBT (or GLBT) is an initialism that stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transsexual people. The term has been in use since the 1990s and is a variation of the initialism LGB, which was used to replace the term gay in relation to the LGBT people group beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s.

Sexual attraction is the enthusiastic, heartfelt, or physical allure that a person feels toward another person..

There are a few kinds of sexual direction; for instance:

  • Heterosexual
  • Homosexual
  •  Bisexual
  •  Asexual

Guardians of children who have been diagnosed with a chemical imbalance range problem frequently report higher levels of misery, tension, and psychological well-being issues. The combination of stressors and family change challenges can lead to problems that could escalate into an emergency.

Kids with ASD are only engaged with friends' social connections about half of the time in comprehensive study halls, and they appear to be even less associated with expanding grade level. Developing children with ASD's abilities in well-known activities to impart to peers in childhood may be a critical preventive measure to ensure social connections in late primary school grades.

Understanding emergency in the family is critical to psychological wellness practise because it can help in conveying administration to vulnerable families.

According to the American Psychological Association, harassing is a type of forceful behaviour in which someone intentionally and repeatedly causes someone else injury or inconvenience. Tormenting usually occurs during adolescence, but the effects can last well into adulthood. Duke University recently conducted research that shows the rates of agoraphobia and frenzy issues uncommonly increase with tormenting. Many adults who were tormented as children experience psychological health issues such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

Generally, guiding refers to short-term meetings, whereas psychotherapy refers to long-term treatment. Guidance frequently oversees current issues that are appropriately chosen at the perceptual level, whereas psychotherapy thoroughly examines a person's psychological history. Exhortation typically assists a client in dealing with unexpected feelings, for example, bitterness or shock, overseeing quick explanations for pressing factor and disquiet, clarifying values and perceiving choices when making significant individual or master decisions, directing conflicts inside organisations, developing better social and social capacities, or intentionally changing pointless contemplations and practises.

Psychotherapy, on the other hand, is a transformative cycle that assists an individual in examining long-standing mentalities, musings, and practises that have resulted in the current state of one's life and connections. It goes much further in uncovering hidden drivers of issues, achieving dynamically passionate changes in setting as for oneself, one's useful experience, and the world as a whole. Finally, psychotherapy refers to the process of attracting an individual by releasing him or her from the grip of negligent triggers or main thrusts through extended care.

Everyone feels pressure and tension at some point in their lives. The distinction is that a pressing factor is a reaction to a risk in a situation. Fear is a natural reaction to a stressful situation. All the while, horror and pressure can occur. Overall, it has been discovered that 45 percent of people with one enthusiastic prosperity condition meet the requirements for at least two issues. Although each condition has its own unique cause, they may share symptoms and medications.

Actual development is a tried and true method for reducing stress. Typical interest in enthusiastic exercise has been shown to reduce daily levels of stress, lift and balance out demeanour, and further develop rest and certainty. Other reasonable procedures, such as breathing exercises, yoga, and examination, supplement character body practises.

Unwinding procedures have been used to help with the treatment of fears, alarm issues, and sorrow, as well as to provide relief to people in distressing situations. Find out more about reciprocal and elective medication.

A mental issue is a psychological illness diagnosed by an emotional wellness expert that significantly disrupts your reasoning, dispositions, or potentially behaviour and significantly increases your risk of handicap, torment, death, or loss of opportunity.

Numerous mental illnesses have been identified.

  • Depression
  • Personality issues
  • Anxiety issues
  • Schizophrenia
  • Eating issues
  • Addictive practices

Psychological well-being refers to our intellectual, behavioural, and enthusiastic well-being; it is concerned with how we think, feel, and act. In some cases, the term "psychological well-being" refers to a lack of a psychological problem. The term personal fulfilment (Qol) has turned into an energising weep for all those attempting to incorporate patients' emotional experiences of their life amid illness into clinical consideration. Qol, with its natural allure, is by all accounts comprehended by everybody in charge of overseeing wellbeing and sickness. Regardless, when inspecting the consistently expanding research writing, it is clear that numerous methodological inquiries actually plague this field, as neither a generally accepted definition nor a best quality level for estimating Qol exist.

The branch of brain science known as modern hierarchical brain science applies mental hypotheses and standards to associations. This field, also known as I-O brain science, focuses on increasing workplace usefulness and related issues such as representatives' physical and mental well-being. Mechanical hierarchical therapists perform a wide range of tasks, including considering expert perspectives and behaviour, assessing organisations, and directing initiative planning. The overarching goal of this field is to contemplate and comprehend human behaviour in the workplace.

The hierarchical aspect of brain research is more concerned with determining what associations mean for individual behaviour. Hierarchical structures, accepted practises, executive styles, and job assumptions are the most common factors that influence how individuals behave within an organisation.

The scientific study of the characteristics that allow people and networks to thrive is known as positive psychology. The field is based on the belief that people need to live meaningful and satisfying lives, to become their best selves, and to improve their interactions with love, work, and play.

The PERMA model of prosperity was developed by Martin Seligman, a pioneer in the field of positive brain science. Seligman defines PERMA as five significant structure squares of prosperity and fulfilment.

Good feelings – feeling better
Commitment – being totally invested in exercises
Connections – being truly associated with others
Which means – deliberate presence
Accomplishment – a feeling of achievement and achievement

Affliction is an unavoidable fact of life. Versatility is that unfathomable quality that enables some people to be wrecked by life and return essentially as solid as before. Perhaps, rather than allowing hardships or disappointment to defeat them, they will channel their determination and figure out how to come back to life.

Clinicians have identified a portion of the factors that contribute to an individual's adaptability, such as a positive outlook, faith, the ability to direct feelings, and the ability to consider inability to be a type of supportive input. According to research, good faith reduces the impact of stress on the brain and body following upsetting encounters. Furthermore, this gives individuals access to their own intellectual assets, enabling calm examination of what may have gone wrong and consideration of social ways that may be more useful.

Inspiration is a goal-oriented trademark that aids an individual in achieving their objectives. It encourages people to try their hardest to achieve their goals. The best management characteristics will assist the board in inspiring employees. Human instinct should be viewed with an open mind. Knowing the various needs of coworkers/colleagues will result in a more dynamic interaction and make day-to-day tasks easier. The two employees and the board should be capable of administration and persuasion.

The use of authority to rouse others is common. This preparation is appropriate for delegates who will be fulfilling a position of authority as part of their responsibilities. A good leader should have the following characteristics:

  • Honesty and Integrity
  • Inspiring to Others
  • Commitment and Passion
  •  Good Communicator
  • Decision-Making Capabilities
  • Accountability
  •  Delegation and Empowerment
  •  Creativity and Innovation

Buddhism is an Indian religion based on the teachings of the Buddha, who was most likely conceived by Siddhartha Gautama and is also known as the Tathgata.

The ability to think and act using information, experience, understanding, presence of mind, and knowledge is referred to as intelligence, erudition, or shrewdness. Intelligence is associated with qualities such as unbiased judgement, empathy, experiential self-information, self-amazing quality, and non-connection, as well as excellencies such as morals and consideration. Self-greatness is a personality trait that includes the development of individual limits, which may include encountering otherworldly thoughts such as viewing oneself as a fundamental piece of the universe. The perception that people do things simply to bring happiness is not particularly significant. However, its ease of use can obscure the lavishness of its suggestions.

What does otherworldliness mean to you? Otherworldliness is common, but from various perspectives, it is very close to home, much like yoga itself. There are innumerable benefits to practising yoga. Many people appreciate this because it makes them feel better and more fit. Others enjoy a quiet hour away from their hectic lives. For some, what distinguishes yoga is its otherworldliness.

Despite the fact that there are numerous actual benefits to practising yoga, the benefits extend far beyond your physical body. Yoga can help you work through mental changes, emotional stress, and connect with a higher force.

Humanities are scholarly disciplines that examine various aspects of human culture and culture. In the Renaissance, the term deviated from divine nature and alluded to what is now known as works of art, the primary focus of mainstream education in colleges at the time. Today, the humanities are increasingly diverging from regular, and in some cases sociologies, just as expert preparing

Individuals' most basic and comprehensive mode of thought is theory. It is very different from religion in that Philosophy is both basic and comprehensive. Religion seeks to provide a perspective on the entirety of life and the universe, as well as answers to the majority, if not all, of the most important and significant questions that people all over the world face. Religion's appropriate responses are not always based on a careful examination of reason and logic. Certainly, many strict convictions make no sense and appear absurd. Religion is founded on conviction.However, reasoning is a pundit of conviction and conviction frameworks. In accepting to extreme assessment, reasoning subjects what some future fulfilled. Reasoning seeks objective explanations and justifications for convictions.

Eudaimonia is commonly interpreted as meaning satisfaction in its simplest (deciphered) structure (Deci and Ryan, 2006; Huta and Waterman, 2014; Heintzelman, 2018). It is occasionally deciphered from the first antiquated Greek as government assistance, occasionally prospering, and occasionally being.

Kindness, care, and ordinary humanity are all components of sympathy (Pommier, 2010). Some definitions of sympathy expressly include a component of 'perceiving suffering,' while others imply it.

Care is the first step in passionate recovery—having the ability to move toward and recognise our troubling thoughts and feelings (such as inadequacy, bitterness, outrage, and disarray) with transparency and interest.

Self-empathy entails responding to troubling thoughts and feelings with consideration, compassion, and seeing so that we can relieve and comfort ourselves when we are harming. According to research, self-empathy significantly improves passionate prosperity. It promotes fulfilment, alleviates anxiety and discouragement, and can even help with maintaining healthy lifestyle habits such as diet and exercise.

Most scientists define'satisfaction' as a state of mind, such as being content with one's life or experiencing a positive passionate state. In this sense, asking what joy is is simply gathering information about the concept of a perspective.

Scientists, on the other hand, typically use the term "prosperity" to denote a significant worth. This value is concerned with what benefits you, harms you, or irritates you. Depending on what ultimately helps people, this may include things other than joy, such as accomplishment or fellowship. Other terms for prosperity include 'prospering,' 'flourishing,' and 'government assistance.' 'Eudemonia' was an old Greek term for prosperity. To ask what prosperity is, then, is to ask what is ultimately useful for individuals.

While achieving passing grades is an important goal for schools, schools, and colleges, ensuring students' prosperity and happiness is also critical. The field of positive brain science continues to investigate how to increase individuals' satisfaction and prosperity, take advantage of their natural abilities, be stronger, and develop a development mentality, all of which are beneficial in creating a positive learning environment. Positive Education has had a positive effect on students in schools, schools, and colleges that have implemented it.

  • Score higher in tests
  • Enjoy more noteworthy prosperity and satisfaction
  • Forge more grounded associations with their friends and educators

Seeing students create and achieve so many happy accomplishments can be an extremely rewarding calling. It can also be a very stressful and difficult job. A Positive Education approach will assist instructors in working on student commitment and delight, as well as building versatility for educators and utilising their natural abilities, so that they can thrive when all is said and done.

Positive brain science hypothesis and exploration have been applied in a variety of fields, including education, wellbeing, and neuroscience. Positive Neuroscience, Prospective Psychology, Grit and Self-Control, Adversity Growth, Creativity and Imagination, Positive Education: Resilience Training for Educators, and Positive Health are all part of this.

Psychological well-being refers to our intellectual, behavioural, and emotional well-being; it is concerned with how we think, feel, and act. Some people use the term "psychological wellness" to refer to the absence of a psychological problem. The term personal fulfilment (Qol) has turned into a reviving sob for all those attempting to incorporate patients' emotional experience of their life during illness into clinical consideration. With its natural allure, Qol is by all accounts understood by everyone involved in the management of health and illness. In any case, when considering the ever-expanding field of research writing, it is clear that numerous methodological issues confront this field, as neither a commonly accepted definition nor a best quality level for estimating QoL exist.